Tuesday 20 January 2015


Hello everybody! This past weekend I decided to explore London with  some friends as we had just finished our exams and didn't have anything to do. I think London is one of the most beautiful cities in the world and I'm so grateful to be able to live here, however, because I am here to go to uni I don't get to do much tourism as most of my weekends are spent trying to understand my lecture notes. 
If you've ever been to Notting Hill, you will know it's a lovely neighbourhood with colourful houses and a great market! I didn't buy anything as I think most things there are overpriced. But I did buy some food and it was all delicious. I had an amazing chocolate and pistachio tart but I was too hungry to take a picture...  

I then went to Greenwich North and Greenwich Park. I had never been there as it's a 35min tube journey from where I live and I couldn't be bothered. The views from Greenwich Park are breathtaking. You can see The City, the London Eye, Canary Wharf... all of London. If you live in London or happen to be here you should definitely go! 

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